Tuesday, May 27, 2014

44th Letter from England (Stroud)

Hey everyone!!  

It's been a pretty good week this week.  Mom, I don't think I know any of those people who sent me friend requests so deny them all.  This week hasn't been the most eventful but it's been alright.  I did get your package with the Tony's and all of the stuff Piper wrote for me.  The pictures of Mollie were really nice and I was so happy when I read 'decide what to be and go be it' from Piper. Y'all are teaching her well.  Elder Harris also got the Tony's I think he's going to email you sometime.  Maybe next week.   

Last Monday after we emailed we went and had a lot of lunch with the Darracqs and played some quibbler.  After that we went to play pool again.  I got a call from President on Monday.... he asked me to train again.  I'm excited.  I don't know Stroud too well, and I just know how hard training was the first time.  But it'll be really cool and fun. You always have a special relationship with those you train and your trainer so I'm happy for that.  

Tuesday morning we had a zone meeting that was pretty good, we talked a lot about how we have to have love for our wards and our investigators.  How it's more than just going through the motions, it's sincerely having a desire to help these people and do this work.  After Zone Meeting we went to teach an investigator named Norman, he's a way cool guy and have taught him twice but we can only see him once a week unfortunately.  We had a dinner with the Bishop after that which was really nice and then visited some people with the Darracqs. 

Wednesday was one of the better days, we ended up teaching T, which is Jamie's mum, then B, then Jamie and Angie.  We've been working with B for quite a while.  She has  taught me that you have to have a desire to grow, and progress, and learn to grow, progress, and learn.  It's all about desire.  You can pray but if you don't want to know God is there, you won't.  I guess that's part of what Moroni meant when he said 'with real intent.'  

Thursday was a quieter day, we did a lot of cleaning because we had flat inspections this day.  Sister Darracq says 'I'm part dutch!  So I'm very strict!'  She's very strict!  Right after flat inspections we had a dinner with the Hawes family then went to see a former investigator named GM.  He's a way cool guy, Elder Chardon actually taught him a while back!  I had a great time out there.

Friday we went to see all our investigators again and had lessons with each of them.  It went well just like before.  I don't know what to do with B anymore though.  She comes to church every week, she reads the scriptures but she doesn't believe in God and doesn't really seem to want to.  Jamie and Angie are cool as always.  

Saturday morning we woke up then put on service clothes and ran to Stonehouse where Jamie and Angie live, which is a few miles and it was extremely hot!  We taught T again, but this time at Angie's house.  We helped them with their garden and left after dinner.  We went to visit Ana after that, because she just got back from Portugal.  She went to church there in Portugal and had a great time.  We're happy to have her back though!  

Sunday was good, Jamie and Angie didn't come to church .  I really thought they would this time.  I'm not sure what happened.  A was there though, and b too.  We had a great surprise because GM showed up!  (the man we visited this week).  Hopefully he'll start coming more.  We had a DA with the McArthurs after church.  He's our Ward Mission Leader from Scotland but his wife is from Salt Lake City.  She made Enchilada's and it reminded me of when Mom and Grandma would make them!  We went and visited JW with the Darracqs after.  She's old but so full of energy and loves the missionaries.  She can't make it out to church because of health but we go visit her every now and then.  She said a prayer and the spirit was so strong during it.  

One thing I came across in my studies this week was a quote by President Kimball.  He said 'I find that when I get casual in my relationships with divinity and when it seems that no divine ear is listening and no divine voice is speaking, that I am far, far away. If I immerse myself in the scriptures the distance narrows and the spirituality returns.'  
He's says that when God isn't talking to us, or we don't feel his help, it is us that is far, not him.  We must immerse ourselves in the scriptures, get closer to him, and then wait for our answers.  Also, that when we immerse ourselves in the scriptures, it can get us through any problem.  D and C 18 says
 34 These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; wherefore, you shall testify they are of me and not of man;

 35 For it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit unto you, and by my power you can read them one to another; and save it were by my power you could not have them;

 36 Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words.

I love how it says that when we read the scriptures we can testify that he have heard his voice.  My testimony of the power of the scriptures has grown enormously throughout my mission.  The Scriptures are literally the voice of the Lord guiding us.  

I love y'all and hope all of y'all are doing well! 
Elder Pogue

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